Rural Women and Climate Change in Jordan

Rural Women and Climate Change in Jordan
UN Women

The threat of climate change is growing, affecting in particular those countries most prone to drought and desertification. Jordan recognized this risk and has been taking active measures to combat the effects of climate change. Yet in highly exposed rural and agricultural communities, Jordan is missing out on a strategic partnership with women, who have a significant role to play in addressing climate change, building capacities for adaptation and strengthening local community resilience.

This policy brief was prepared within the framework of the UN Women project of “Strengthening Women Leadership in Agricultural and National Advocacy in Jordan (2016- 2017),” launched in partnership with ACTED with funding from the Government of Japan. This brief is based on a field study on rural women’s leadership and climate change, launched during the last quarter of 2016 in cooperation with AWO and the Center for Women Studies of the University of Jordan (CWS).

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