Women's Economic Empowerment

UN Women, invests in women’s economic empowerment as a direct path towards gender equality, poverty eradication, and inclusive economic growth. UN Women's economic empowerment framework aligns with the international commitments of the Beijing Platform for Action, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms Discrimination against Women and a series of International Labour Organization conventions on gender equality.

UN Women, is working to mitigate the obstacles women face to achieve economic empowerment in Jordan including; segregation of occupations by gender, social pressures, household economic imperatives, limited access to safe workplaces, childcare and transportation. Under the economic empowerment framework UN Women is engaged in close partnership with stakeholders, grass roots and civil society organizations to facilitate the economic empowerment of women through four key areas;
- Evidence-based policy dialogue on the impact of investments on barriers to women's employment for economic growth.
- Supporting social mobilization and advocacy on key challenges to women’s labor force participation.
- Providing integrated policy advice and technical assistance to the government on legislation, policies, and strategies for women’s improved access to income security and decent work.
- Supporting innovative partnerships and platforms with the private sector, civil society and government for delivering training for women in non-traditional technical and vocational areas, as well as building their entrepreneurship skills.