New Communications Strategy launched to support the implementation of the Jordanian National Action Plan of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security

H.E. Eng. Mousa Maaytah, Minister of Political and Parliamentary Affairs and Chair of the Inter-Ministerial Committee on Women’s Empowerment, addresses participants during the launch of the communications strategy to support the implementation of the JONAP of the UNSCR 1325 on Women, Peace and Security Agenda. Photo: UN Women/ Lauren Rooney
Amman, Jordan. H.E. Eng. Mousa Maaytah, Minister of Political and Parliamentary Affairs and Chair of the Inter-Ministerial Committee on Women’s Empowerment, launched today the Communications Strategy of the Jordanian National Action Plan (JONAP) for the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 (UNCSR 1325) on Women, Peace and Security at the presence of national and international partners, including representatives of security sector agencies. Developed through an extensive consultation process engaging member of the 1325 National Coalition, the Strategy outlines the communications approach that will be followed to build awareness of and support for the implementation of the JONAP.
Endorsed by the Government of Jordan in 2017, the JONAP aims at integrating a gender-based approach towards women’s increased involvement in peace and security issues to achieve long lasting peace and stability. Its implementation is overseen by the Inter-Ministerial Committee for Women’s Empowerment. “We are meeting today to reaffirm our support to this national plan, as committed, and emphasize the importance of its Communication Strategy which will play an important role in empowering women in Jordan” affirmed H.E. Eng. Mousa Maaytah.
While the JONAP includes specific goals on raising awareness on the unique and important set of experiences, perspectives, and skills that Jordanian women bring to the sectors of peace and security, the Communications Strategy outlines concrete advocacy initiatives and activities that in the upcoming four years will contribute to enhance the understanding of the women, peace and security agenda among government institutions, security sector agencies, youth, civil society organizations, and the general public in Jordan.
"I warmly welcome this initiative to intensify Jordanian and international efforts to explain to Jordanians why it is so important to put women at the heart of our collective efforts to promote peace and security, in the UK, in Jordan and worldwide. Peace-building and security are enhanced if women are central to both; and doing more to explain why time is always well spent, in order to increase support and understanding for this United Nations-agreed approach across society" recalled H.E. Mr. Edward Oakden, Ambassador of UK to Jordan on behalf of the donor consortium that supports the implementation of the JONAP – which includes the Governments of Canada, Finland, Norway, Spain and the United Kingdom.
In 2000, resolution 1325 became the guiding Security Council resolution on women, peace and security. The resolution affirmed the importance of the participation of women and inclusion of gender perspectives in peace negotiations, humanitarian planning, peacekeeping operations, and post-conflict peacebuilding and governance. In Jordan, governmental and non-governmental institutions are working together to promote gender-responsiveness and meaningful participation of women in the security sector and peace operations, while ensuring the availability of gender-sensitive humanitarian services – especially at the grass root level – and fostering an enabling environment for women’s equal representation and participation.
The adoption of the Communications Strategy comes at a critical juncture for the women, peace and security agenda as the 20th anniversary of the groundbreaking UN Security Council resolution 1325 approaches in 2020. This will be an opportunity to showcase Jordan’s pioneering efforts in promoting the positive impact of women’s participation in peace and security, sharing lessons learnt and best practices from the JONAP’s inclusive design and implementation process regionally as well as the global level.
“Jordan’s experience in drafting and implementing the National Communications Strategy on UNSCR 1325, which is localized and well costed, can serve as a best practice for other countries. UN Women will share this as a success story across the Arab region and beyond,” affirmed Mr. Ziad Sheikh, Representative of UN Women Jordan.

For media queries please contact:
Ashjan Al-Ananzeh
Head of Communication and Advocacy Unit
The Jordanian National Commission for Women
Mobile: +962772084260
Marta Garbarino
Partnership and Advocacy Analyst
UN Women Jordan
Mobile: +9620778484915