United Nations System
In accordance with the Resolution 64/289 adopted by the UN General Assembly on 2 July 2010… UN Women operate as part of the resident coordinator system, within the United Nations country team, leading and coordinating the work of the country team on gender equality and the empowerment of women, under the overall leadership of the resident coordinator.
In line with its mandate, UN Women Jordan plays a coordinating role within the UN Country Team to ensure that gender is not only mainstreamed but also the object of focused initiatives by our UN partners. Furthermore, UN Women Jordan has been promoting a number of UN joint advocacy initiatives and joint programmes to address gender equality and empowerment of women as follows:
- Realizing Beijing+20 in Jordan: Women in Action! (jointly with UNFPA, WHO, UNICEF, UNESCO, UNDP and UNRWA).
- Supporting the submission of the 6th national report to the CEDAW Committee (jointly with UNFPA and UNICEF).
- Supporting Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) Survivors to Access Life-Saving Services (jointly with UNFPA and UNICEF).
- Economic empowerment of women through the promotion and management of Umm el-Jimal archeological site (jointly with UNESCO).
- Empowering youth to advocate for women’s human rights through volunteerism (jointly with UNV).
- UN joint support to the Jordan National Response Plan to the Syrian Crisis (with the United Nations Country Team of Jordan)
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