Women's Peace and Humanitarian Fund

Project Goal: Women's Peace and Humanitarian Fund is providing vital support to women Syrian refugees in the realms of economic empowerment, protection of their human rights and combating sexual and gender based violence.
The Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund (WPHF) is a flexible and rapid financing mechanism that supports quality interventions to enhance the capacity to prevent conflict, respond to crises and emergencies, seize key peacebuilding opportunities, and encourage the sustainability and national ownership of investments.
The WPHF is anchored in a strong theory of change. The overall goal is to achieve peaceful and gender equal societies. Achievement of this goal will require:

The WPHF in Jordan focuses on the humanitarian response to the Syria crisis, the two main priorities are:
- Gender inclusive and responsive humanitarian response planning frameworks and programming which is informed by gender analysis and needs assessments.
- Peace building and recovery, the socio-economic recovery and political participation of women and girls are promoted in post-conflict situations.
WHPF Endorsement:
In 2017, WHPF endorsed ve project proposals and implementing organizations for funding in Jordan. The endorsed proposals conformed to the WPHF’s country allocation proposal, and covered two of the WPHF’s Outcome areas: Outcome 3 (Humanitarian), and Outcome 6 (Peacebuilding). Proposed projects required formal approvals under the Jordan Response Plan, the approvals were initiated within the national structures managed by the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MOPIC).
The Five endorsed organizations for the WPHF in Jordan:
- Arab Network for Civic Education (ANHRW): a project to increase the capacity of local CBOs and practitioners to deepen their knowledge and understanding of the Syria Crisis, and to increase their ability to collect gender sensitive data and information to better inform decision-makers.
- Arab Renaissance for Democracy and Development (ARDD-Legal Aid): a project to strengthen the mechanisms of social and legal protection of women and developing the skills and capacity of Syrian and Jordanian women to play an active role in conflict management and humanitarian response.
- Association of Family and Childhood Protection Society of Irbid (FCPS): implemented together with Cambridge Reproductive Health Consultants (CRHC) and Mayadin, on a project to help improve the lives of young brides through empowerment and education.
- Jordan Forum for Business and professional Women: (JFBPW): a project that provides vital psychosocial support and vocational training for women refugees.
- Jordanian National Forum for Women (JNFW): a project to provide enhanced livelihood opportunities for women across the country.