Normative and Policy Frameworks

UN Women/Christopher Herwig
UN Women, believes the route for mobilization of policy development and improvement of social norms requires more women in leadership roles. UN Women, is promoting policy development and implementation of global norms by supporting national stakeholders to review and revise legal frameworks; promoting women’s leadership and civic engagement; challenging harmful social norms and practices through community mobilization; and improving data collection and analysis on SDG gender-related indicators and key policy issues.
UN Women, is working closely with partners in four areas:
- Institutional Capacity Development: UN Women will address the lack of technical capacities within the sector to build a model to enhance the implementation of pledges on gender equality.
- Social Norms & Practices: UN Women will link institutional capacity development to the promotion of social norms, attitudes, and behaviors supportive of gender equality and empowerment of women and girls. Through the multi-stakeholder initiatives and innovative interventions convening women’s organizations, including grassroots organizations, government, and international partners.
- Gender & Statistics: UN Women will support the Department of Statistics and MOPIC to collect data and develop an analysis of gender-related SDG indicators.
- Leadership & Participation: UN Women will support the empowerment of national women’s organizations and networks; support women to participate in policy-making processes; promote policies for increasing women’s political participation, and improve positive public perceptions of women’s leadership and participation in policy making.
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