National Conference paves the way for increased local solutions to boost women’s economic empowerment

Dead Sea 23-24 January 2020. Under the patronage of the Prime Minister of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, H.E. Dr. Omar Razzaz, the Inter-Ministerial Committee for Women’s Empowerment, in partnership with the House of Representatives - represented by the Women Parliamentary Caucus, the Women and Family Affairs Committee, the Coalition of Women Members of Parliament from Arab Countries to Combat Violence against Women, organized the national conference "Women’s Economic Empowerment in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan".
Supported by the Government of Italy through the Italian Agency For Development Cooperation (AICS) and UN Women, more than 450 participants attended the conference, including 300 women from all Governorates of Jordan and 9 members of the Cabinet, to discuss solutions and multi-stakeholders initiatives to boost women’s economic empowerment at the local level.
“We hope that the conference will come up with practical recommendations for ways to increase women’s economic participation so the government can adopt them and draft legislation and strategies to complement the work of the participants” affirmed H.E. Muhyiddine Touq, Minister of Higher Education, who opened the conference on behalf of the Prime Minister of Jordan.
Within the framework of the close cooperation between the legislative and executive bodies, the conference gathered women entrepreneurs, small and medium businesses from all twelve governorates of Jordan, policy makers, government decision-makers, private sector, financial services sector, civil society and advocates with a focus on creating opportunities for women’s economic empowerment on national and sub-national levels, entrepreneurship and addressing the challenges to the environment and conditions that women-owned businesses need to thrive, and advance women’s participation in national and local value chains.
“We believe that strengthening the political, economic and social participation of women is one of the tools that can help to achieve sustainable development,” affirmed H.E. Mr. Fabio Cassese. “We always look for new ways to support women in Jordan to ensure gender equality and mainstreaming in the Kingdom” added Mr. Michele Morana, AICS Director, recalling the long-standing partnership between the Government of Italy and UN Women

From waste management to industry, tourism and agriculture, representatives from all 12 Governorates of Jordan drafted local action plans and commitments to promote women’s economic empowerment at the local level across key productivity sectors in each area. Both H.E. Musa Maaita, Minsiter of Political and Parliamentary Affairs, Chair of the Inter-Ministerial Committee for Women’s Empowerment, and MP Reem Abu Dalbouh concluded the conference by reiterating the importance of localizing national efforts in support of women’s empowerment in the economic sphere and by confirming the Government’s commitment to support the outcomes of the conference and take into account recommendations at the policy development level.
“The Conference comes at a critically important time for Jordan and its people in terms of its efforts to address the issue of women’s economic empowerment. It also comes in the year that will witness the 25th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and the Generation Equality Forum that will bring together in a global conversation partners from around the world to further advance women’s empowerment” affirmed Mr. Ziad Sheikh, UN Women Jordan Representative, reiterating UN Women’s support to the Government of Jordan in following up on the conference’s outcomes.