Date: Thursday, 1 August 2019
#SheIs strength, #SheIs determination, #SheIs a champion! Linda Khirfan is 1 of 10 professional female kickboxers in Jordan. Join Generations for Peace and UN Women in celebrating women who inspire youth in their community. #time2challenge #DareToShine
Date: Thursday, 1 August 2019
#SheIs team spirit, #SheIs peace, #SheIs a FIFA World Champion! In honour of the final FIFA Women's World Cup 2019 match, Generations for Peace and UN Women Jordan are celebrating all that #SheIs! Join us in highlighting the women in your community. Watch to learn more and find out all who #SheIs! #time2challenge #FIFAWWC
What matters is how well you play
Date: Thursday, 1 August 2019
Generations for Peace and UN Women are challenging expectations and perceptions of women in sports In honour of the final women's world cup match, we asked a group of boys to participate in a FIFA video game challenge. Watch below to find out their reactions and see if they are up to the challenge!#time2challenge #SheIs #DareToShine
UN Women incentive-based volunteerism programme in the Oasis Centre in Jordan
Date: Thursday, 1 August 2019
Aniesa highlights her experience during her enrollment within the home-maintenance under the UN Women incentive-based volunteerism programme in the Oasis Center for Resilience and Empowerment of women and Girls’ the Taibeh Center in Karak, in Jordan. UN Women has now expanded the Oasis empowerment model to eight pilot centers launched in early 2019 in partnership with the Ministry of Social Development, to support vulnerable Jordanian communities.
A short documentary of four Jordanian Women Entrepreneurs and their achievements
Date: Sunday, 14 April 2019
A short documentary highlighting the journey of four Jordanian Women Entrepreneurs and their achievements in the commemoration of International Women’s Day:- Manal Al Wazani, Founder of Al Ghoor Agricultural Sustainable Project- Sawsan Al Taweel, Project Manager of Canadian Federations of Jordan- Dr. Areej Talilan, Director of the first Business Incubator in Mafraq- Valentina Qussisiya, CEO of Abdul Hameed Shoman Foundation (AHSF)Credits: Ro’ya TV#WomensDay #Jordan #unwomen #GenderEquality…
An opportunity for resilience and empowerment
Date: Wednesday, 13 March 2019
A special tour of UN Women’s ‘Oasis Center for Resilience and Empowerment of Women and Girls’ with Baheera, a Syrian refugee woman living with her husband and four children in the Za’atari refugee camp and enrolled in UN Women’s cash-for-work programme.Credits: UN Women/ Christopher Herwig
JONAP - Ms.Samar Muhareb - Ms. Aránzazu Bañón Dávalos
Date: Tuesday, 5 February 2019
Ensuring the advancement of the Women, Peace and Security agenda is at the forefront of the Jordanian National Action Plan on UNSCR 1325. Through a participative and inclusive process, the implementation of the JONAP continues to yield robust partnerships between national and international partners, contributing to the success of the implementation.Ms.Samar Muhareb, Arab Renaissance for Democracy and Development Chief Executive Officer and H.E Ambassador Ms. Aránzazu Bañón Dávalos,…
Jordan National Action Plan on UNSCR 1325 (Arabic)
Date: Tuesday, 5 February 2019
The Government of Jordan, with the support of UN Women, successfully developed its first National Action Plan on UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security through an inclusive and participatory consultation process. National and international partners are joining forces to support its implementation. Learn more about the #JONAP through this video.
JONAP - Brigadier Ayman Mdanat - Mr. Edward Oakden
Date: Tuesday, 5 February 2019
Ensuring the advancement of the Women, Peace and Security agenda is at the forefront of the Jordanian National Action Plan on UNSCR 1325. Through a participative and inclusive process, the implementation of the JONAP continues to yield robust partnerships between national and international partners, contributing to the success of the implementation.Brigadier Ayman Mdanat, Assistant to General Director of Civil Defense Directorate for Operations and Training CDD. and H.E Ambassador Mr Edward…
Jordan National Action Plan on UNSCR 1325 (English)
Date: Tuesday, 5 February 2019
The Government of Jordan, with the support of UN Women, successfully developed its first National Action Plan on UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security through an inclusive and participatory consultation process. National and international partners are joining forces to support its implementation. Learn more about the #JONAP through this video.
JONAP - Lt Col Maha & Mr Anders Pederson
Date: Tuesday, 5 February 2019
Ensuring the advancement of the Women, Peace and Security agenda is at the forefront of the Jordanian National Action Plan on UNSCR 1325. Through a participative and inclusive process, the implementation of the JONAP continues to yield robust partnerships between national and international partners, contributing to the success of the implementation. Lt Col Maha, Director of Women's Military Affairs JAF and Mr Anders Pederson, United Nations Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator,…
JONAP - Brigadier Mutassem Abu Shattal - Mr. Peter Macdougall,
Date: Tuesday, 5 February 2019
Ensuring the advancement of the Women, Peace and Security agenda is at the forefront of the Jordanian National Action Plan on UNSCR 1325. Through a participative and inclusive process, the implementation of the JONAP continues to yield robust partnerships between national and international partners, contributing to the success of the implementation.Brigadier Mutassem Abu Shattal, Assistant to General Director of Gendarmerie for Operations and H.E Ambassador Mr. Peter Macdougall, Ambassador…
JONAP - Mr Ziad Sheikh - Ms Tarja Fernández,
Date: Tuesday, 5 February 2019
Ensuring the advancement of the Women, Peace and Security agenda is at the forefront of the Jordanian National Action Plan on UNSCR 1325. Through a participative and inclusive process, the implementation of the JONAP continues to yield robust partnerships between national and international partners, contributing to the success of the implementation.Mr Ziad Sheikh, UN Women Jordan Representative and H.E Ambassador Ms Tarja Fernández, Ambassador of Finland to Jordan, Lebanon and Syria,…
Akie Abe visit to Za'atari Camp
Date: Thursday, 10 May 2018
Mariam, Syrian refugee woman enrolled in UN Women’s cash-for-work programme as tailor, meets Mrs. Akie Abe, spouse of Prime Minister's Office of Japan during her official visit to the Za’atari refugee camp on 1 May 2018.Video credits: UN Women/ Christopher Herwig
Livelihood opportunities for Syrian refugee women in Jordan
Date: Wednesday, 2 May 2018
UN Women provides secure livelihood opportunities to vulnerable Syrian refugee women via cash for work that graduates into work permit employment opportunities or microbusinesses in camp settings. This initiative is generously funded by the Governments of Australia, Finland, France, Iceland, Italy, and Japan.Video credits: UN Women/ Christopher Herwig
Career guidance, Life skills, Technical Training & Job Placement Services for Girls and Women
Date: Sunday, 9 July 2017
UN Women has launched the program ‘Services to improve the socio-economic well-being of vulnerable Jordanian women in host communities in Irbid and Zarqa Governorates’ to help tackle unemployment in refugee hosting communities through creating job opportunities for women, aged 18-26, in the targeted poverty pockets. التوجيه المهني والمهارات الحياتية والتدريبات الفنية وخدمات التنسيب الوظيفي للفتيات والنساء أطلقت هيئة الأمم المتحدة للمرأة برنامج خدمات لتحسين الرفاه الاجتماعي والاقتصادي للمرأة…
Empowering women in Za'atari refugee camp
Date: Monday, 3 July 2017
UN Women's cash-for-work programme for Syrian women refugees produces 1,000 baby kits per year which are distributed to newborns and their mothers in the Za’atari refugee camp. This initiative is generously funded by the Government of Japan.تمكين النساء والفتيات في مخيم الزعتريتقوم النساء السوريات من خلال برنامج العمل-مقابل-أجر التابع الأمم المتحدة للمرأة وبتمويل سخي من الحكومة اليابانية بإنتاج 1,000 قطعة تحتوي على مستلزمات أطفال حديثي الولادة في السنة والتي توزع على حاديثي الولادة…
UN Women Educational Services in Za’atari Refugee Camp الخدمات التعليمية في مخيم الزعتري
Date: Tuesday, 13 June 2017
UN Women response to the needs of Syrian women and girls refugees through providing educational services that aims to empower vulnerable Syrian women and girls through increased access to self-reliance تستجيب هيئة الأمم المتحدة للمرأة إلى احتياجات اللاجئات من النساء والفتيات السوريات من خلال تزويدهن بخدمات تعليمية تهدف إلى تقوية النساء والفتيات السوريات من خلال زيادة سبل الحصول على فرص الإعتماد على الذات والانخراط الهادف في الحياة الإجتماعية
UN Women Jordan: Our Transformative Changes
Date: Tuesday, 26 July 2016
UN Women supports social cohesion through a resilience-based inclusive community development model. The unique contribution of UN Women stems from an integrated strategy that takes into consideration the critical links between humanitarian action and development efforts to sustain transformational changes in the lives of women and their communities.Video by: UN Women/ Christopher Herwig