Budget: $852,000 ($200,000 from UN Women, $42,328.04 from the French Government and $609,671.96 to be mobilized)
Period: 2014-2016
Donor: UN Women
UN Women recently launched a new project in collaboration with the Arab Women’s Legal Network (AWLN), the Ministry of Justice, Judicial Council, Judicial Institute, and Jordanian Bar Association, to support systems, policies, procedures and mechanisms that seek to increase respect for the rule of law and women's human rights. It will focus on enhancing the capacity of judicial professionals – including judges, prosecutors and lawyers – and coordinating with security forces to better deal with survivors of violence. The project is designed to establish systems and mechanisms capable of filling the gaps in the justice chain, which will enhance access to justice for all survivors and victims of violence regardless of their residential status.
Project Goals:
- Capacity development in view of setting up a core group of professionals responding to VAW cases.
- Identification and sharing good practices through the development of peerage mechanisms.
- Supporting development of mechanisms and standard procedures.