Women, Peace and Security in the Arab States

Coalition on Jordan National Action Plan on UN Security Council resolution 1325 (2000)
Period: December 18 2015 – December 19 2018
Donor: Government of Finland
Budget: EUR 3,204,925 (USD $3,476,057)
Project Goal: To contribute to the creation of an enabling environment for the implementation of women, peace and security commitments in Jordan, Iraq and Tunisia.
Responding to the increasing vulnerability of women caused by conflict, instability and displacement in the region, as well as their limited inclusion in conflict resolution, peacekeeping and peacebuilding efforts, the project seeks to leverage the global women, peace and security framework to respond to challenges faced by women in Tunisia, Iraq and Jordan. To this end, the project supports the development of a National Action Plan (NAP) on UN Security Council resolution (UNSCr) 1325 (2000) and subsequent resolutions in Tunisia, NAP drafting, adoption and implementation in Jordan and capacity building for implementing the NAP in Iraq. It also assists the League of Arab States in establishing mechanisms and systems to back national commitments on WPS.
In the Jordanian context, the project builds on the participatory NAP drafting process initiated by the Jordanian National Commission for Women (JNCW) in partnership with UN Women.
In 2016, UN Women continues to support the design and development of an inclusive and comprehensive NAP through engaging with local stakeholders and international partners. A three-way cooperation between UN Women, JNCW and the Institute for Inclusive Security (IIS) provides strong expertise and technical support to the NAP drafting process, including through workshops on drafting a realistic, actionable NAP logic framework, with focused and relevant outcomes, outputs, indicators, targets and realistic budget. UN Women and JNCW also continue to deepen the discussion on women, peace and security in Jordan, including through consultations with local and national stakeholders, refugee population, the media and security sector. To ensure local implementation of the NAP, UN Women and JNCW are inspiring social mobilization among women, peace and security local champions to enhance their capacity to lead the localization process by inviting them to trainings, discussions and workshops, and by engaging them through other communication channels, such as social media and WhatsApp groups.
Recognizing the importance of preventing violent extremism (PVE) as a key component of conflict prevention in Jordan, UN Women commissioned a study on the gendered aspects of radicalization and de-radicalization. Based on the findings of the study, UN Women will implement programming aimed at preventing violent extremism in Jordanian communities in a gender-sensitive and inclusive manner.
In 2016, UN Women will also conduct further trainings on gender and conflict-related sexual violence for Jordanian peacekeepers.
To document lessons learned and promote regional and international knowledge sharing, UN Women will facilitate exchange meetings between key stakeholders of the Jordanian NAP process and regional and international actors, including the government of Finland and the League of Arab States.