A Pocket Guide for Public Security Directorate Family Protection Department Officers

A Pocket Guide for Public Security Directorate Family Protection Department Officers

This Pocket Guide has been developed to aid Public Security Directorate Family Protection Department Officers in their responses to reports of Gender-Based Violence (GBV), and in particular, guide their application of support and assistance during COVID-19 where such services may be stretched, limited, working remotely or finding innovating ways to support complainants. 

The Pocket Guide provides FPD officers with information on:

• How to best to respond to rising GBV during COVID-19;
• How to best support complainants of GBV;
• The Dos and Don’ts of response measures.

The Pocket Guide uses global standards on maintaining a complainant-centered approach, by providing basic support, information and referral services to members of the community who report an incident of GBV to PSD/FPD. The aim of these response mechanisms is to provide the necessary protection for complainants, ensure their safety, and adhere to the principle of ‘do no harm’.


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Bibliographic information

Subject areas: COVID-19
Publication year
Number of pages