Ending Violence Against Women


In 2008, the United Nations launched the UNiTE to End Violence against Women campaign to actively contribute to preventing and eliminating violence against women and girls through legislative reforms, data collection, cross-cutting action plans and awareness-raising campaigns.

UN Women Jordan has been at the forefront of the campaign, focusing on enhancing cooperation with the Government and civil society partners, as well as various NGOs and sister UN agencies, to abolish customs and practices that constitute discrimination against women in both the private and public spheres.

UN Women Jordan’s Violence Against Women Unit focuses on enhancing coordination between stakeholders, building the capacity of local service-providers and increasing victims' and survivors’ access to life-saving protection and legal services and finally through raising public awareness on this grave violation of human rights.

To this extent, the organization has been implementing the following initiatives:

  • Strengthening Local Capacity to Protect Women’s Physical Integrity rel="noopener noreferrer" and Human Rights. Read more
  • Hemayati: Promoting Women and Girls' Health and Well-being. Read more
  • Strengthening the Jordanian Judicial Sector’s Response to Cases of Violence against Women – HEMAYA. Read more